Why Did We Need Another Jacket?
Hi, my name is Howard.
I’d like to introduce you to Constant Mountain and it’s probably easier to start by answering a few questions...
Don't we have enough "best jackets ever"? Why another one?
The short answer - My hands were cold. About seven years ago, while watching my daughter's game on a chilly Saturday morning in early spring, I sat there in a camping chair wearing a regular jacket but wishing I had worn my pull-over hooded sweatshirt so that I could put my hands together to keep warm. I didn’t wear the hoodie because we had other errands to run, and I knew I'd have to take it on and off throughout the day. But, at that moment, I still had cold hands.
Towards the end of the practice, I said to my wife: “I wish there was a regular jacket that worked like a hoodie.” - or something like that. I was surprised when I couldn’t find one for sale anywhere. So, I bought a sewing machine and made one. All the jackets that I made were terrible, but the design worked. I also believed the functionality was novel and unique, and the US Patent office agreed! Fast forward a few years and Constant Mountain was created to make the Infinity Pocket available to everyone.
Where is or What is “Constant Mountain”?
Another short answer - It’s everything and everywhere. Please let me explain. Being completely candid, originally the name came from local street names that sounded good together. But it struck a chord with me because it was also a metaphor for everyday life.
Even though I have no experience literally climbing an actual mountain, I do know that it requires constant effort, and the rewards are not reserved for the single moment of reaching the summit. The climb itself is a reward. That’s how I’ve come to view each day.
You might say “But wait, comparing everyday life to climbing a constant mountain makes it sound daunting!”. Well, life is daunting, and it is most rewarding for those who commit to living it to the fullest. People who actually climb mountains sure seem to be excited and driven to do it. We should also be excited and driven to live our lives!
Why do we all do the things that we do? Going to work each day, getting up early to work out, volunteering with our kid’s sports team, making sure the homework is done, staying up late to work after the kids go to bed, taking the red-eye flight home to make the school play the next morning, the list goes on and on. We do it because we signed up for it and are rewarded by it and find purpose in it.
This describes my Constant Mountain, I’m sure yours is different. For some of you it’s much more serious, the stakes are higher, and the climb is steeper. Whatever it is, I’m certain that it exists, and it is real, even if you are the only one who experiences it. If this doesn't make any sense to you at all, that’s ok. I still want you to be happy and comfortable doing whatever you do. Which leads me to the last question.
Why should you care?
The last short answer - you might not, and that’s also ok! But I do care about you and my mission is to provide innovative, well-designed, high-quality products that will allow you to do what you do every day with a bit more ease and comfort. I hope you’ll trust me with the opportunity to help.